Oficiální youtube playlist
The Mandalorian Blockade
Korriban, The Homeworld
Yesterday’s Jawa
Average Brown Wookiee
Ord Mantell, The Battleground
Nal Hutta, the Glourious Jewel
Tython, The Wellspring
Dromund Kaas, the Seat of Power
Coruscant, The Capital
Do the Holos Show Up on the Bill?
Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)
Balmorra, The Forge
Taris, The Plague
Nar Shaddaa, the Playground
Tatooine, the Deserts Sands
Alderaan, the Throne
In the Escape Pod
Doe Azalus Ootmian
The Occupation of Balmorra
The Battle for Coruscant
Hoth, the Frozen Wastes
Belsavis, the Ancient Prison
Voss, The Mystic Garden
Cut The Phobium
that Slippery Little Hutt of Mine
Corellia, The Shipyards
Credits Where Credits Are Due
The Siege of Alderaan