Změny v 4.0 – Agent/Smuggler - - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) – Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)

Změny v 4.0 – Agent/Smuggler

Vydáno: 11.9.2015 v 20:06 | Autor: Aries | Napsat komentář

Druhý se série čtyř blogů, popisující změny a nové schopnosti pro postavy v Game Update 4.0 a datadisku Knight of the Fallen Empire.

Dnes jsou na řadě postavy Agenta a Smugglera, mistrů boje ze stealthu nebo na dlouhou vzdálenost. Cílem změn pro Advanced Class Operative a Scoundrel je zlepšit jejich mobilitu, podobně jako tomu bylo u Knight a Warrior postav. Toho je dosaženou novou schopností Holotraverse/Trick Move, která umožní rychlý přesun k nepříteli nebo naopak k přátelskému cíli. Pro Sniper a Gunsligner Advanced Class je cílem zlepšit jejich schopnosti přežít na bojišti, když už se k nim nepřítel dostane. Nová schopnost Imperial Preparation/Bag of Tricks jim tak umožní resetovat cooldowny na řadě silných obranných schopností.

Kompletní přehled změn, nové Utility a vše ostatní najdete v pokračování novinky. Příští týden by nás měly čekat informace o Trooperech a Bounty Hunterech.


  • New Ability: Holotraverse/Trick Move! Supercharge your stealth generator, quickly moving you to a friendly or enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth, cannot be used against enemy targets in cover, has a 45 second cooldown, and is off of the Global Cooldown.


  • New Passive Skill: Enduring Kolto/Prolonged Prescription! Increases the duration of Kolto Probe/Slow-release Medpac by 3 seconds (granting one extra activation of healing before it needs to be refreshed or falls off), and makes Stim Boost/Pugnacity grant a 15-second-long buff that causes your next Kolto Infusion/Pack or Kolto Injection/Underworld Medicine to activate instantly (it gets consumed when you use Kolto Infusion/Pack or Kolto Injection/Underworld Medicine).
  • Surgical Probe/Emergency Medpac is now trained at level 42 (up from 41).
  • Kolto Waves is now trained at level 58 (up from 57).
  • Tactical Medicine/Bedside Manner is now trained at level 60 (up from 59)


  • New Passive Skill: Prey on the Weak/Pierce and Batter! Laceration/Sucker Punch deals 5% more damage to targets affected by your Acid Blade/Flechette Round. You get this new passive earlier than usual (at level 48), because we want the levelling experience to be better for Concealment/Scrapper. Additionally, we are granting Volatile Substance/Blood Boiler earlier, and replacing Shiv/Blaster Whip with Veiled Strike/Bludgeon later, as we needed to move two passive skills that buff Veiled Strike/Bludgeon to the end of the Discipline path for these changes to all make sense together.
  • Veiled Strike/Bludgeon is now trained at level 58 (up from 41).
  • Volatile Substance/Blood Boiler is now trained at level 42 (down from 57).
  • Enhanced Chemicals/Pressure Cooker is now trained at level 44 (down from 59).
  • Surgical Strikes/Scrappy is now trained at level 64 (up from 44).
  • Calculated Frenzy/Rolling Punches is now trained at level 60 (up from 48).


  • New Passive Skill: Acidic Compounds/Sharpened Materials! Corrosive Grenade/Shrap Bomb gets a 10% chance to explode twice, and Toxic Blast/Sanguinary Shot deals 5% more damage.
  • Toxic Blast/Sanguinary Shot is now trained at level 42 (up from 41).
  • Lethal Strike/Point Blank Shot is now trained at level 58 (up from 57).
  • Cut Down/Cheap Shots is now trained at level 60 (up from 59).


Tier 1 – Skillful

  • New Utility: Curbing Shots! Overload Shot/Quick Shot and Carbine Burst/Blaster Volley slow the targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds

Tier 2 – Masterful

  • New Utility: Fortified Kolto/Supplemented Medpac! Each stack of your Kolto Probe/Slow-release Medpac increases your damage reduction by 3%, stacking up to 6%. This damage reduction is not conveyed to the target of your Kolto Probe/Slow-release Medpac.

Tier 3 – Heroic

  • New Utility: Circumvention/Sleight of Foot! Allows Holotraverse/Trick Move to be used while immobilized, and it removes immobilizing and slowing effects when used


  • New Ability: Imperial Preparation/Bag of Tricks! Resets the active cooldown on Evasion/Dodge, Countermeasures/Surrender, Shield Probe/Defense Screen, Cover Pulse/Pulse Detonator, Entrench/Hunker Down, and Covered Escape/Hightail It. This ability has a base cooldown of 3 minutes and is off of the Global Cooldown.


  • New Passive Skill: Marksman’s Finesse/Sharpshooter’s Touch! Snipe/Charged Burst grants Marksman’s Finesse/Sharpshooter’s Touch, increasing the armor penetration and damage dealt by your next Followthrough/Trickshot by 10%. Stacks up to 2 times.
  • Followthrough/Trickshot is now trained at level 42 (up from 41).
  • Sniper Volley/Burst Volley is now trained at level 58 (up from 57).
  • Honed Shots is now trained at level 60 (up from 59).


  • New Passive Skill: Field Command/Conflagration! Increases the critical chance of your Area of Effect abilities by 15%.
  • Plasma Probe/Incendiary Grenade is now trained at level 42 (up from 41)
  • EMP Discharge/Sabotage is now trained level 58 (up from 57)
  • Energy Overrides/Seize the Moment is now trained at level 60 (up from 59)
  • Imperial Auto Loader/Jury-Rigged Mods is now trained at level 36 (down from 56)
  • Electrified Railgun/Blazing Speed is now trained at level 40 (up from 36)
  • Electrified Blast/Hot Shot is now trained at level 44 (up from 40)
  • Efficient Engineering/Dealer’s Discount is now trained at level 48 (up from 44)
  • Sector Ranger/Spacer is now trained at level 52 (up from 48)
  • Scatter Bombs is now trained at level 56 (up from 52)
  • Explosive Engineering/Independent Anarchy is now trained at level 24 (up from 16)
  • Cluster Bombs/Contingency Charges is now trained at level 16 (down from 20)
  • Imperial Methodology/Insurrection is now trained at level 20 (down from 24)

Virulence/Dirty Fighting

  • New Passive Skill: Caustic Substances/Gushing Wounds! Corrosive Grenade/Shrap Bomb gets a 10% chance to tick twice and Weakening/Hemorrhaging Blast deals 5% more damage (both these % values are adjustable up or down to reach the discipline’s target DPS).
  • Weakening Blast/Hemorrhaging Blast is now trained at level 42 (up from 41).
  • Lethal Shot/Dirty Blast is now trained at level 58 (up from 57).
  • Corrosive Mine/Incendiary Mine is now trained at level 60 (up from 59).


Tier 1 – Skillful

  • New Utility: Pulse Screen! Cover Pulse/Pulse Detonator increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 20% for 6 seconds.
  • Calculated/Hot Pursuit is now Tier 1 (instead of Tier 2).

Tier 2 – Masterful

  • New Utility: Lumbering Impact! Shatter/Flourish Shot slows the target by 50% for the duration of the trauma effect (meaning the duration can be increased by other skills that boost the Trauma duration).
  • Reestablish Range/Reset Engagement is now Tier 2 (instead of Tier 1).

Tier 3 – Heroic

  • New Utility: Over-prepared/Perfect Scheme! Reduces the cooldown of Imperial Preparation/Bag of Tricks by 30 seconds (from 3 minutes down to 2 min 30 sec), and when you activate Imperial Preparation/Bag of Tricks, your damage reduction is increased by 10% for 10 seconds.


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